Printism Blog
Social Media Management For Printers

Social Media Management For Printers

Social Media Management For Printing Companies

Whether we like it or not, social media is here to stay.

I’m Alan and my company is Printism Media. I’ve worked in the printing industry for almost 30 years, when I was a skinny, curly haired youth in a massive suit. For the last four years I have run my own company and, like many of you, have reflected on the huge changes that have happened in our trade, and the need to embrace social media is one of those.

I can say with some certainty that in the print industry, although we spend most of our working lives producing beautiful marketing materials for other people, as a trade, we are not great at marketing ourselves. There are obviously a few good exceptions but I don’t think I’m being too controversial in saying that.

I also know that, as a busy Managing Director or Sales Director, you will be aware of social media and know that some businesses have had some success with it, but you’re not sure if it’s for you and your business and you certainly don’t have the time to look after it yourself. You will probably have got someone in the business (usually the youngest person because they “get” social) to set up accounts at some point in the past, but have never got round to doing anything with them. They just sit there, dormant, not doing anything for you.  

So, with that in mind, I want to tell you about a new service we are offering at Printism Media, and that is Social Media Management For Printing Companies. My team will work with you to put together, maintain and regularly review a social media strategy that will give you a whole new marketing stream for your business.

If that sounds like something that might be of interest, then please email me on

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